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Sunday, March 30, 2008



They are meant to be savoured... and not spent chionging work... but I did otherwise.

Rainy Sundays..

They are meant to be spent in a nice quirky cafe tucked at the edge of a busy street, having a cuppa, book in hand, and listening to the peltering rain on the window panes, watching the world go by.

Sunny Sundays,

They are meant to be spent frolicking in the waters, with my mum preparing the picnic on the lovely soft grass, just in time to pop a delicious sandwich into my mouth when I emerged from the waters hungrily.

Ah.. I miss my Sundays. Never appreciated them till recent years; it's only when things get busy that you start to hold on to the little precious amount of leisure time you have, and learn to truly relax in those times.


It seems that I do weird things to myself when I'm stressed. I paint my nails, I dye my hair, I pluck my eyebrows. I think it's a kind of escapism, which is bad, omg.

And I go grocery shopping, note the word: GROCERY. Yes, not clothes shopping or whatever, these are only undertaken when everything is over. I love looking at fresh fruits and food, the color of freshness perks me up. Maybe I picked this hobby from sop, where we used to go the mar.ket.pl.ace in Ra.ffles C.ity. I wanna go to finer and bigger supermarkets! The variety of sweets and snacks and cheese and wine makes me go gaga over them! So colorful!

Of course, I go CD shopping too. Throw me into HM. V and I'll not come out in 2hrs! Especially love the jazz/classical section there. The way I spend on CDs is atrocious too, a record is buying 5 sets at one go. Had to chiong thru listening to them before the exchange period is over, just in case they were spoilt. I must be really considered old fashioned buying and listening to CDs in this technology age where mp3 rules, but I have to confess, I actually rather hate mp3s. I dun even update the songs on my laptop and I dun listen to them on my laptop. One is that my sound system on the laptop makes music sound flat and unlively and boring, second is I cant see my music playing when I hear it. I guess I like tangible stuff like CDs to be played on a thing called the CD player. Of course you can argue that the music written onto the CD is intangible too, but I thought at least they are on a concrete shell. Besides, I love the act of removing the CD from its case, admiring the art on the cover, putting it into the player, and watching it spin before walking away.

Which brings me to another point, some CD case are manufactured in such a way that it is soo darn difficult to 'extract' CDs out of them. It's either that or, it is like a book such that the CDs slip down the unsealable case. I'm so particular that even the lyrics book must be readable. I understand that sometimes the company uses certain colors to fit the current image of the singer or CD, but white words on silver background??!! OMG my eyes hurt! So, it's the CD experience and a passable sound system that makes a wholesome listening journey for me.

This reminds me that I wanted my dream house to have a lounge room. Dim lights, cozy sofa, superb sound system, maybe a mini bar, all perfect to unwind by listening to music and sipping champagne. Not to forget the instruments room, an all-glass room overlooking the sea or garden. A grand piano sitting in the middle of it, and other instruments lining the sides, with an adjoining soundproof jamming room, all glass too. (they'll prob all be white elephants haha, but I LIKE!, thou i wonder how thick must the glass be to be soundproof and to withstand all the vibrations from jamming) Ah yes, I must have a big big bathroom too! With a jaccuzzi, and i shall have rose petals for my bath everyday HAHAHA. And erm, all other rooms can be as bare as they can be, i dun care. Hopefull this house will overlook the sea, but oh wait, moisture from the sea will make my instruments expand and go outta tune and mouldy and rot, so no, not the sea.. prob just some nice view la, like high up overlooking the CBD or forest. Since I cant have a beach to walk on, then I must have a large garden to walk whenever I feel like it. Ok, then I must have a patio too. Haha.

Think I must be dreaming, to have that kind of house, I must be really really damn filthy rich to let the gah-ver-men part with their precious land to fulfill my fantasy. Either that, or I must marry into a resonably developed country with vast amount of land, thus cheap enough to build such a house. Or else, there's always Dub.ai. HaHaHa.

So, if u'll excuse me, I wanna go meet my Dub.ai prince in my dreams now.


The 'OMG What am I doing here' post


Loads of things to do.. but couldn't resist typing nonsense, so I came here.

And I shud stop listening to Jac.ky Ch.eung's and A-m.ei's songs already, becos they are one of the few singers who can move me just by singing any song, which means that I'll just get all depressed and emo after listening them sing. And I cant afford to be emo now! Cos I cant work when I'm emo, I'll just sink into a whirlpool of sadness...

But I dun feel like listening to happy songs either, cos they make me jumpy and irritated when writing papers. I'm such fussy gal.

Oh, the radio's playing some medley of.... erm.. isit L.eo Ku now? it's been playing for more than 15 mins and if it doesn't stop playing, I'll be even more emo and type more nonsense.

OMG I feel like gg out to walk now. Shit shit.

Anw, was at the cemetery today to 扫墓, and I thought the rows of tombs out in the distance on a misty morning was kind of..... spectacular... I know I'm not supposed to say such things of burial grounds, but I'm not trying to be disrespectful here. What I'm trying to say is that...the scenery was nice.. and .. interesting... and I actually felt peace, a kind of peace that I've never felt before in my life, nor my previous visits there. It was a kind of peace with teeny bits of sadness, regret, escapism.. yet not confused, and it shocked me, cos of the usual negative connotations with graveyards. And it made me think of the Tang Chinese poem about 清明节。

Omg so 'retro'!! Radio's playing a snippet of xiao hu dui's qing ting fei. Remember wu qi long, A.lec Su and Ji.mmy Lin?? I dun noe when's the exact date the band's formed, but I recently realised that It's been 10 years, 10 long/short/freaking fast years since A.lec starred in the phenomenal huan zhu ge ge princess show!! The very show that made us fall head over heels with him and leo and watever his name is, of of course amused at xiaoyanzi's crazy antics to create trouble all the time. A.lec was 25 then, and he's freaking 35 now?? omg, 35 is like old to me, but he still looks like he's 25!! Why do everyone in xiao hu dui have baby faces?? Cant stand them, cos i want too!! hahaha.

So i googled and realised he's getting hotter now! Toned six packs and all, and 男人味 is oozing! yay! mummy says before that 20+ guys are rather cute, but the prime of their years is in 30+, when they really look like a man!! I totally agree!! Hawtt!! Now I really wished the 3 of them can come together and sing their band's songs.... missing them now..

Talking abt missing... I suddenly missed the time spent with certain frens in the past...really really miss it.. some of them, under various circumstances, have been rather out of touch these years/months.. oh gosh... my heart aches at the thought of missing u all...No matter what happened, those were the memories treasured.. really... U may not noe who you are, or u may not even be reading this, but I still miss you all.. 好怀旧..


on a totally random note, that day I stayed back in sch to do research for all my modules and I was feeling thirsty and totally sian from flipping and flipping thru books and it was already 8pm. The milo monster in me roars (RAWWWR....) (omg so lame) and the vending machine beckons. Since I had a lot of coins, I used them to buy the can of milo which cost $1.10. So I was inserting coin after coin.. but the value remained at $1, with three 10 cents falling out of the machine. I thot: one more, one more coin only! So I re-insert the 10 cents but no mater which 10 cent I tried, and no matter which angle I inserted, they kept falling back out. I simply refused to settle for coffee, which is at $1, cos i dun need a caffeine boost and i just want me happy drink!! Then I sensed someone queuing behind me already. I tried a few more time but to no avail. So in a fit of frustration, I hit the coffee button -_-. I actually contemplated turning the coin return knob, but I thought maybe the guy behind will bash me up for not buying anything after fidgeting with the machine for soooo long.

I tell you that was the blandest coffee I've ever tasted.

Because I wanted it to taste like milo, but it didn't budge. Stubborn drink.

So I think my taste buds shut down and coffee became water instead. Grrrr.

This post is like totally bimbotic and whiny and not relating to each other at all. But I still took 1 hr to type it. wth. Actually had other things to blog abt, but shall not do it now, it's getting boring already

off to dreamland!